Non Toxic Way to Clean Your Jewelry
Do you have silver jewelry that you no longer wear because it's tarnished? Or maybe you're like me and you regularly clean your silver at home but you'd like to stop using chemical based cleaners. Below are step by step instructions of how to use items you probably already have to remove tarnish from your silver.
Let's take a second to understand the benefits of cleaning your jewelry this way.
1. It's EASY! Chances are you have everything you already need. You'll notice in the video I cleaned multiple rings at once, in my kitchen, while enjoying an evening glass of wine!
2. It's non-toxic. This is a big one for me. I've been trying to make simple changes in my daily life to reduce my toxic load. This means limiting the amount of chemicals and toxins that I spray in the air or pour down the drain. These toxins affect my own health as well as accumulate in our atmosphere and water resources. Even if that's not a concern for you, your general health and safety should be.

Below is an example of what I have previously used. This is a type of silver cleaner you can purchase at Target or on Amazon.
Notice that the back states that it contains Thiourea. Thiourea is a identified as a know CARCINOGEN! It can have ill effects when breathed in or exposed to skin. Exposure may damage bone marrow and cause reduction in red blood cell, white blood cell, or platelet count. Wow. I am always surprised by how many toxic substances are allowed in products we use daily like household cleaners and skincare items.
Now, I don't expect you to read every label or immediately throw away everything in your house that's considered potentially toxic. That's not realistic for any of us. What is realistic is to seek out healthier non-toxic options once you've run out of what you're already using. If you don't like it, or think it's not as effective, you can always go back to using poison. There might be things that you're not willing to give up (toxic or not) and at least this way you have acknowledged the risks and decided what's right for you.
I think this process is easy, works efficiently, and saves you money because you probably already have these items in your house.